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the agorà

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international competition

promoted by




redevelopment of Pieve town square



in collaboration with A-Side Architectural Studio

and Pilot Architetti


january 2020


Piazza della Pieve

San Donato Milanese, Italy

45°24'52.0"N 9°15'46.8"E


Starting from the idea of ​​overlapping a new design layer on the existing project, it was decided to partially maintain the original design principles (such as the memory of the centuriation of the fields, the re-proposal of the ancient via Emilia and the maintenance of the existing green), and to resize, reorganize and integrate the original layout with a more contemporary and functional concept.

The large size not only of the square but of the entire competition area necessarily required the identification of two areas with different connotations, a more urban area and a more naturalistic one, which meet and dialogue with each other through a third element of union represented by water. The aim of the new agorà is to restore more liveable, human-sized areas to the Community, redesigning the existing areas according to today’s needs and with the desire to offer the citizen multiple scenarios of interaction with the square, with the water and the green areas.

The central theme of the call is the functional relocation of the market. The no-food area will be located on the perimeter of the square, while the food area in the square, leaving the central area free for meeting and interaction between people.

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